Name: | Melvoie Inc. |
Company number: | 1171251193 | Company status: | Immatriculée |
Incorporation date: | 17 September 2015 (over 5 years ago) |
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Company type: | Société par actions ou compagnie |
Jurisdiction: | Quebec (Canada) |
Business number: | unavailable |
Registered address: | 898 7e Rang Saint-Théodore-d'Acton (Québec) J0H1Z0 Canada, Canada |
Agent name: | unavailable |
Industry codes: | 0 0112: (Québec Economic Activity Classification) |
Number of employees: | 1-5 |
Latest events: | 2015-09-17 Addition of officer Lavoie, président2015-09-17 Addition of officer Pétrin, secrétaire, trésorier2015-09-17 Incorporated |
Officers: | Lavoie président 17 Sep 2015Pétrin secrétaire 17 Sep 2015 |